Barbi Benton I would never fall in love with a ditch-digger. – Barbi Benton Ditchdigger Quotes Fall Quotes Love Quotes I like nice things. I’ve always had nice things. I love clothes and jewelry. I’m the fashion lady type.
Robbie Lawler There’s always going to be some phenom fighter coming up. If they’re special athletes and highly trained, they’ll do big things. – Robbie Lawler
Carl Hart As a parent, a scientist, and educator, what I know is that it’s always better to provide the education that will help keep my children – all people – safe, even if I don’t want them to engage in the behavior. – Carl Hart
Jerry B Jenkins When you come to Christ as a real young person, I think when you become a teen-ager either you rebel or you search, doubt, and wonder. – Jerry B Jenkins
Jack Kemp American society as a whole can never achieve the outer-reaches of potential, so long as it tolerates the inner cities of despair. – Jack Kemp
EqualityHerbert Read To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values – above personal wealth, technical power and nationalism. – Herbert Read
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