Gina Haspel I would not allow CIA to undertake activity that is immoral, even if it is technically legal. – Gina Haspel Activity Quotes Cia Quotes Immoral Quotes Legal Quotes Technically Quotes Undertake Quotes I would not restart, under any circumstances, an interrogation program at CIA. I recall my first foreign agent meeting was on a dark, moonless night with an agent I’d never met before. When I picked him up, he passed me the intelligence and I passed him extra money for the men he led. It was the beginning of an adventure I had only dreamed of.
Goldlink Black culture is pop culture, Black History Month is every month, and that’s something they want us to forget. What better way to remember than to highlight all of our differences as a singular people across the globe? – Goldlink
Ravi Kishan It’s our responsibility as fathers to educate out boys to be sensitive and respectful towards women and not just curbing our girls’ freedom. – Ravi Kishan
Damian MarleyFaithSports I’m about 5′ 10″, and my hair is the length of my whole body now. We grow our hair because of faith, but it’s getting heavy. Most of the rastas I know with hair my length are elders, and they keep it tied up, but for a young person who’s active and running around, the weight is a big thing. So to play sports, I put it in a backpack. – Damian Marley
ChangeJamie Dimon Some things never change – there will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial markets. – Jamie Dimon
Abi Morgan I didn’t take into account the critical tsunami that comes with having work going out. I’ve gone from being a complete narcissist, someone who googles my own name, to someone who has to work separately from that to avoid creative paralysis. – Abi Morgan
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