Gina Haspel I would not restart, under any circumstances, an interrogation program at CIA. – Gina Haspel Cia Quotes Circumstances Quotes Interrogation Quotes Program Quotes Restart Quotes I know CIA like the back of my hand. I would not allow CIA to undertake activity that is immoral, even if it is technically legal.
Alycia Debnam-CareyDeathExperience I must say, I always – from experience, when I watch TV shows and I see characters leave without a proper explanation or leave with not enough time, I get irritated. I like it when there’s a clean-cut reason or a defining moment where they have to go. Whether that’s death or not, I think that’s subjective. – Alycia Debnam-Carey
AmazingRicky Jay I love amazing people. I love dazzling them. That’s why I think performing magic is one of the greatest things a person can do. – Ricky Jay
Maajid Nawaz Muslim communities themselves, as they expect mainstream society to stand down racists, must do more to also stand down the Islamist extremists. – Maajid Nawaz
Sreenivasan The difference between one writer and the other, or one director and the other, is the way he deals with a scene. – Sreenivasan
Alan Cumming It’s really rare for film directors to be that interested in things other than themselves. – Alan Cumming
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