Douglas Wood I would rather read a poorly structured story that has fresh ideas than a tightly structured one with cliches. – Douglas Wood Cliches Quotes Fresh Quotes Ideas Quotes Read Quotes Story Quotes Structured Quotes Tightly Quotes Originality is, for me, the most important quality in a script. I was only in one play at Steppenwolf, in the early days.
Marc Randolph When I was 23, I was quite possibly the worst real estate agent in New York. I was working for my mother’s agency in Chappaqua, and no one was buying houses. In eight months, I made zero sales. I rented one apartment. – Marc Randolph
Lynn Shelton I always knew that I was an artist. I never expected to be able to make a living. – Lynn Shelton
Sam Levinson I spent the majority of my teenage years in hospitals, rehabs and halfway houses. – Sam Levinson
FamousJenna Fischer Well, I knew I wanted to be an actor, and I didn’t necessarily need or want to be famous or a celebrity actor. – Jenna Fischer
Mark Meadows America’s founders knew the importance of allowing the people to speak critically about government actions. – Mark Meadows
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