Fred Funk I would say that my downswing mirrors the path of my backswing pretty closely. – Fred Funk Backswing Quotes Closely Quotes Downswing Quotes Mirrors Quotes Path Quotes Pretty Quotes I’m not here just to walk two rounds or four rounds and just show up. I want to be able to be competitive, and I truly believe I can still be competitive when I’m playing well and feeling good. You worked your paper route, mowed the lawn, then played golf all day.
Rob Sheffield The Queen Is Dead’ is not merely the Smiths’ best album, but it is one of those timeless, perfect, inexhaustible artifacts that could only have been made by a gang of sullen, sun-deprived rock & roll boys fighting off adulthood tooth and nail. – Rob Sheffield
DeathGeorge CarlinTime Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time. – George Carlin
RelationshipSylvester Stallone People that spend time in a foxhole – they’re never going to find that relationship anywhere else again… Everything else pales next to that. When you think about the Second World War vets – more than even the Vietnam vets – there’s a brotherhood. – Sylvester Stallone
Martine McCutcheon Any actress will tell you – it’s really hard. If you’re not an A-list Hollywood movie star, if you’re in the middle, there are people who assume you wouldn’t do certain things without even asking you, when actually you probably would. And there are people who always think you are busy doing something else. – Martine McCutcheon
John Logan Coriolanus’ has been around for 400 years, and it’s going to be around for another 400 years, and nothing I can do is going to mess it up. So, going into it, I felt sort of very free to look at it as a filmmaker does. – John Logan
Jamie Lynn Spears Alabama is somebody that I have always loved, but I think what is so cool about them – it’s amazing, actually – is that even people who aren’t enormous fans, you know their music. You know of them; you know what they’ve done in the music world. I think that really says something about them. – Jamie Lynn Spears
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