Eric Goode I would say the big cat people see tigers as sort of a status symbol, as you would a Ferrari or fancy car collection. They have the animals to elevate their position. It makes them special. – Eric Goode Animals Quotes Car Quotes Cat Quotes Collection Quotes Elevate Quotes Fancy Quotes Ferrari Quotes People Quotes Position Quotes Sort Quotes Special Quotes Status Quotes Symbol Quotes Tigers Quotes What you do in Oklahoma with tigers in these roadside zoos would be frowned on if it opened in the L.A. basin or New York. I think it’s a lack of education. And people believe we should be able to have a tiger, because this is America – who should stop us? Later in life, I started an organization that works to save tortoises and turtles that are threatened, but in full disclosure, I still always had a fascination with people who kept animals.
Kevin Harvick If you follow the same path as everyone else you’re just going to be like everyone else. – Kevin Harvick
Robert Rodriguez You ask any moviemaker what their favorite movie experience was, and they’ll say it was one of the first ones, where everyone had to pitch in and do everything together, and you had to struggle. – Robert Rodriguez
DesignDouglas Wilson In two days, it’s hard to to get the quality you would normally want for a design project. – Douglas Wilson
Phil Gingrey I’ll help repeal Obamacare in my first term, or go home, because you deserve a senator who gets the job done or gets out of the way. Repeal or go home. That’s my pledge to you. – Phil Gingrey
David Sze I think that the most important thing we look for in partners is that they can help build companies and, you know, we have the – we have the opportunity to do that at different stages. – David Sze
Christine TsaiCommunication If you invest the time earlier to create structure and process around communication, planning, and goal-setting, you can prevent missteps before they occur. – Christine Tsai
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