Sarah McBride I would take issue with the assertion that President Trump has reached out to a diverse group for his cabinet secretaries. In fact, his cabinet is one of the least diverse in modern history. – Sarah McBride Assertion Quotes Cabinet Quotes Diverse Quotes History Quotes Issue Quotes Modern Quotes President Quotes Reached Quotes Secretaries Quotes Trump Quotes Despite saying the letters ‘LGBTQ’ at the RNC, Donald Trump consistently endorsed anti-equality positions. We certainly hope that Secretary DeVos will work on behalf of every student and ensure equal access to a safe and quality education for LGBTQ young people.
Nick Offerman I’ve had to learn and discipline myself that I’m much happier and much less depressed if I give myself a project. It’s just that simple. – Nick Offerman
Ed O'Neill All this flying around got on my nerves. But then I gave the script to Cathy to get her opinion. When she started to laugh, it was like ‘That’s it!’. I went to LA and I got the part. – Ed O’Neill
Rhea ChakrabortyTeen I started my career with ‘Teen Diva,’ and that helped me learn anchoring. Fortunately, I got work after the show ended. – Rhea Chakraborty
Kay Bailey Hutchison Congress suffers a great deal of criticism for its partisan acrimony. But while we may disagree politically, and air our opposition in this chamber, it is the conversation behind the scenes that cements and defines our relationships. – Kay Bailey Hutchison
Lakeith Stanfield Some people look like they’re lost causes, but they’re not. Even if they’re in a messed up situation, the one little thing you do to help can go a long way. – Lakeith Stanfield
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