Anne Enright I write anywhere – when I have an idea, it’s hard not to write. I used to be kind of precious about where I wrote. Everything had to be quiet and I couldn’t be disturbed; it really filled my day. – Anne Enright Day Quotes Disturbed Quotes Filled Quotes Hard Quotes Idea Quotes Precious Quotes Quiet Quotes Write Quotes Wrote Quotes There are certain books that should be taken away from young writers; that should be prised out of their clutching fingers and locked away until they are all grown up and ready to read them without being smitten. I’m starting to think my narrators’ sentences are getting too big for them, and they are getting to sound a bit samey and, more disturbingly, a bit too much like me.
Safra A Catz Hardware ultimately is a scale game, and it’s a differentiation game. If you are literally selling products that are completely undifferentiated, like x86 servers, why would anybody pay you for that? – Safra A Catz
Gretchen Carlson A lot of stories that aren’t true get out into the mainstream, and it’s hard to correct that. People want to hear what they already believe. – Gretchen Carlson
John Eldredge The scripture is filled with examples of genuine masculinity; you could mine David’s story for probably a year by itself. And we have to get the masculinity of Jesus back. Not the pale-faced altar boy, but the man that made a weapon and cleared the temple, who boldly cast out demons and calmed the raging sea. – John Eldredge
Nick Turse Few Americans born after the Civil War know much about war. Real war. War that seeks you out. War that arrives on your doorstep – not once in a blue moon, but once a month or a week or a day. – Nick Turse
Ralph Nader The liberal intelligentsia has allowed its party to become a captive of corporate interests. – Ralph Nader
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