Jane Green I write in the mornings once the kids have gone to school, taking my laptop and a coffee to a little writer’s room in town where I plant noise-cancelling headphones on my head and get to work. – Jane Green Coffee Quotes Head Quotes Headphones Quotes Kids Quotes Laptop Quotes Mornings Quotes Noisecancelling Quotes Plant Quotes School Quotes Town Quotes Write Quotes Writers Quotes Twice a year, I take myself off to a self-imposed ‘writer’s retreat’, staying at a small inn or on a friend’s farm, where I am all alone and do nothing other than write. By the time I sat down to write ‘Family Pictures,’ I hadn’t written anything in almost two years, and writing, I have discovered, is a muscle: if it isn’t exercised, it will atrophy.
Doug Stanton Horse Soldiers’ is the untold story of how a small band of U.S. Special Forces soldiers secretly entered Afghanistan in 2001, just five weeks after September 11, saddled up on horses, and rode to an improbable victory against a vastly larger Taliban and Al Qaeda army. – Doug Stanton
Lewis Clarke I’ve been through the entire list of Polar problems. I knew it would be hard, but it’s harder than I ever thought it would be. I’ve suffered from blisters, a high-altitude cough, frost nip, and I even managed to break a ski they told me was unbreakable. – Lewis Clarke
Jurnee Smollett-Bell Henry Louis Gates is such a wealth of knowledge in himself. – Jurnee Smollett-Bell
P D James Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up. – P D James
Dayananda Saraswati Lyric helps invoke the core person. And, without lyric, it is difficult to touch the core. Lyrical music is the music of India. – Dayananda Saraswati
Phil Lesh And there was a movement afoot to take another year off, and if we had been able to do that, and rethink everything, I think when we came back it would have been very different. – Phil Lesh
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