Eric Whitacre I write music that sounds complex but isn’t. I frankly never think in terms of theory. – Eric Whitacre Complex Quotes Frankly Quotes Music Quotes Sounds Quotes Terms Quotes Theory Quotes Write Quotes The virtual choir would never replace live music or a real choir, but the same sort of focus and intent and esprit de corps is evident in both, and at the end of the day it seems to me a genuine artistic expression. I’m not an atheist, but I’m not a Christian, either.
Felicity Huffman I can’t wait to get my face lifted but my husband says, ‘No, don’t do it.’ I think if it makes you feel better, go for it, but it would be nice if it looked good. There are a lot of people out there who are disasters and you think, ‘Why did you do that?’ – Felicity Huffman
Sheridan Smith People can never work out where they know me from. They just come up and chat with me like mates. – Sheridan Smith
Goldlink I could rap really good on accident. I talk tight and it just sounded… I don’t know. It’s just such a big genre for me. At the end of the day, rap is the language of the world. – Goldlink
London Breed We need more housing in San Francisco, plain and simple, and we especially need more affordable housing for our low-income households, seniors, teachers, formerly homeless people, veterans, and middle-income residents. – London Breed
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