Eric Bogosian I write my plays to create an excuse for full-tilt acting and performing. – Eric Bogosian Acting Quotes Create Quotes Excuse Quotes Fulltilt Quotes Performing Quotes Plays Quotes Write Quotes I write, but I also act. I write for an audience that likes what I like, reads what I read, thinks about the things I think about. In many ways, this puts me in opposition to the people who go to the theater generally.
Diego Luna For me, the relationship with my father is the most important thing that I have. – Diego Luna
FailureRickey HendersonSuccess Once you can accept failure, you can have fun and success. – Rickey Henderson
Miley Cyrus I come from this really small town near Nashville, Tennessee, where everything was la-di-da and normal. – Miley Cyrus
Jo Frost So often I meet parents who are just exhausted. I want to look at how I can then create space for that person to recover. – Jo Frost
Ashley Madekwe I’m usually pretty good about meeting people. I try to remember they are human, too! – Ashley Madekwe
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