Ezra Miller I’d like to make as much art as I possibly can before I die, so I’m working on a few things. – Ezra Miller Art Quotes Die Quotes I’m trying to grow more limbs in order to multitask at a greater rate and I’m also investigating the possibilities of cloning. Because nothing would be more useful than having multiples of me, and that way, I could do all of the things I’d like to do in the short amount of time we all have here. You know, I was really privileged to meet Woody Allen, who is now a filmmaker, let’s be honest. He’s also an actor. And he’s classic. And because I have no conception of what classic fashion is now, I respond to his slightly outdated sensibilities.
AttitudeGodJoyce Meyer I’m only going to stand before God and give an account for my life, not for somebody else’s life. If I have a bad attitude, then I need to say there’s no point in me blaming you for what’s wrong in my life. – Joyce Meyer
David Longstreth When the Swing Lo Magellan touring wound up, it felt like the end of something for me, and I needed a break from touring. But really, the co-writing and producing I did after this gave me a different perspective on this whole thing. To me, that was like being a different spoke on the wheel. – David Longstreth
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyLove Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Janet Varney As me, I couldn’t love my cohorts P.J. Byrne and David Faustino more. I just adore them, and any opportunity to be in a room with them is just a kick in the pants; I love it. – Janet Varney
David Horsey Americans rightly, but sometimes excessively, celebrate every person in uniform as a hero, but seldom honor the difficult and often dangerous work being done day after day by members of our diplomatic corps. Warriors capture the popular imagination more easily than peacemakers. – David Horsey
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