GoodJoe DiMaggio I’d like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee. – Joe DiMaggio Good Quotes Lord Quotes Yankee Quotes Unless you have bad times, you can’t appreciate the good times. When things are going bad, there’s going to be some good that’s going to come from it.
Annaleigh Ashford I came out of the womb singing, dancing, and telling awkward jokes. – Annaleigh Ashford
Matthew Vaughn I will never sign anything which makes me have to do more than one film. – Matthew Vaughn
Alexi Zentner I liked the idea of being a writer more than I liked the idea of writing. – Alexi Zentner
Cleveland Abbe As a great man’s influence never ends, so also there is not definite finality, no end, to a great survey; it runs along for centuries, ever responsive to the strain of the increasing needs of a growing population and an enlarging domain. – Cleveland Abbe
Anne WojcickiFamily I spend a lot of my spare time with my family. My sisters, parents, and in-laws all live nearby. – Anne Wojcicki
Shanice Williams I like film, and I like Broadway; I just love performing, so whatever God has for me, I’ll be happy to just try it and see what happens because no matter what, if I’m performing, I’ll be happy. – Shanice Williams
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