Rachel Nichols I’d love to do a movie where I actually get to be kind of quirky and odd and dorky and all that stuff. My parents would like to see some movies where I’m not in peril. They’d appreciate it. – Rachel Nichols Dorky Quotes Love Quotes Movie Quotes Movies Quotes Odd Quotes Parents Quotes Peril Quotes Quirky Quotes Stuff Quotes I spend an extraordinary amount of time in my car, so I can justify the expense. That’s the only extravagance in my life – it’s my car. My first modeling job in Paris, the photographer said, ‘Tue es belle,’ which means, ‘you are pretty,’ and I thought he said, ‘Tu es poubelle,’ which means, ‘you are the trash can.’ I burst into tears. He was not happy about that.
Manny Pacquiao I remember as a little boy I ate one meal a day and sometimes slept in the street. I will never forget that and it inspires me to fight hard, stay strong and remember all the people of my country, trying to achieve better for themselves. – Manny Pacquiao
Matt Mullenweg The biggest challenge for open source is that as it enters the consumer market, as projects like WordPress and Firefox have done, you have to create a user experience that is on par or better than the proprietary alternatives. – Matt Mullenweg
Stephen A Smith Money is here to be made in America. – for those with the ability to earn it legitimately. The exception appears to be when you’re young, gifted, and black. There are always questions when the three intertwine. – Stephen A Smith
Herbert Hoover At 17, I went to Stanford University to study engineering. My time was occupied with the required reading and the extracurricular duties of managing the baseball and football teams and earning my way. – Herbert Hoover
Jos Verstappen Everyone wants to see racing. This is what F1 is for and this is what it is. – Jos Verstappen
Marc Andreessen The days when a car aficionado could repair his or her own car are long past, due primarily to the high software content. – Marc Andreessen
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