Corey Lewandowski I’d love to say second place is great, but it’s not. – Corey Lewandowski Love Quotes We need to stop illegal immigration. We need to put people back to work. We need to cut taxes. President after president has said energy independence is critical. But then you have the EPA tasked to go after American companies producing coal and penalizing them. You can’t have it both ways.
Benjamin Bratt I’m used to the fact that the world views movie actors as personalities. I’m in the extremely fortunate position of making a living at something I’m passionate about. It’s all about choices. By the nature of what I do, I make a choice. I invite them in. – Benjamin Bratt
Jenny Zhang Sometimes I worry that people who read my fiction think that I am making some kind of thesis statement. – Jenny Zhang
Francisco Goldman My earliest memories of going to Fenway with my father are a blur: many games, me too young to care, but aware that our team ‘stunk.’ In those years, the 1960s, the Red Sox baseball card I always coveted most was not Carl Yastrzemski’s but the far more ordinary Felix Mantilla’s. – Francisco Goldman
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