Mirko Cro Cop I’d most prefer to be a free agent and fight up to six times a year, but that is unlikely. – Mirko Cro Cop Agent Quotes Fight Quotes Prefer Quotes Times Quotes In 1993, I joined the Croatian army. I was a radio telegraphist. I broke people’s bones, tore muscles, ribs, faces, inflicted some serious and heavy damages to my opponents, etc… I got hurt myself, too, from serious attacks.
Nguyen Cao Ky The way Americans understand and treat other peoples almost guarantees that the world will suffer more trouble. – Nguyen Cao Ky
Gary Woodland It’s been my experience that success in golf comes from not letting your mind wander from the shot you’re about to hit. – Gary Woodland
Matt Lauer There’s a difference between good chemistry and a bond. Chemistry is something you have with somebody you meet – or you don’t. It’s an intangible. It may be superficial. It’s much harder to put your finger on than a bond. – Matt Lauer
T J Perkins I grew up on WWE. Eddie Guerrero is my everything. He’s my hero, as are Shawn Michaels and Tiger Mask. I tried to model myself after them. – T J Perkins
Newt Gingrich The bigotry question goes both ways. There’s a lot more anti-Christian bigotry today than there is concerning the other side. None of it gets covered by the news media. – Newt Gingrich
Beth Moore As an 18-year-old, I really sensed the call of God. What was interesting about that time was, I come from a very conservative part of the body of Christ, so there was really nothing for a woman to do. – Beth Moore
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