Lorenzo Lamas I’d run the gamut of emotions on ‘Falcon Crest.’ When the show folded, I was ready to move on. – Lorenzo Lamas Crest Quotes Emotions Quotes Falcon Quotes Folded Quotes Gamut Quotes Ready Quotes Sometimes you have to re-invent yourself in this business in order to be accepted in different roles. You go and find work wherever it is, and you learn from it. No matter what the experience is, you can always file something away as knowledge.
Clayton M ChristensenFailure The dumb-manager theory of business problems just didn’t hold water for me. There had to be a deeper reason why smart people would make decisions that lead to failure. – Clayton M Christensen
Julia Roberts They say I can open movies, and that’s nice in that it puts into people’s minds that women can do it. It’s not just Kevin Costner, not just Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not just the guys. – Julia Roberts
Sajid Javid You get a lot of stick in this job, and I don’t mean political opposition that is part of your job but real abuse. And unfortunately, if you are from an ethnic minority, that may include racial or religious abuse. – Sajid Javid
Rose Our family and friends keep us grounded and they are the reason we can all feel like normal people. – Rose
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