Ayelet Waldman If a good mother is one who loves her child more than anyone else in the world, I am not a good mother. I am in fact a bad mother. I love my husband more than I love my children. – Ayelet Waldman Bad Quotes Child Quotes Children Quotes Husband Quotes Love Quotes Loves Quotes Mother Quotes During the periods in my marriage when I chose to stay home with my kids rather than work as an attorney, it caused me no end of anxiety. Despite the fact that I knew I was contributing to our family by caring for our children, I still felt that my worth was less because I wasn’t earning. I wrote three novels in six months, with a clarity of focus and attention to detail that I had never before experienced. This type of sublime creative energy is characteristic of the elevated and productive mood state known as hypomania.
Jack Keane In Washington, D.C., in 2006, Democrats had long since given up on the war in Iraq in terms of any tangible political support for it. The new factor was the Republicans were beginning to give up as well, and they were truly challenging the strategy and the lack of success. – Jack Keane
Sheena Iyengar If you have the feeling of choice, if you feel free, you will be better off. And when I say better off I mean that if people feel they have control over their lives, they call in for fewer sick days from work. They have a lesser probability of having a heart attack or stroke. They live longer. They’re happier. – Sheena Iyengar
Julian Barratt It’s good to give people a jolt. If they’re expecting one thing, it’s important to give them something else. If you do something startling, audiences might at first freak out, but then they start to think, ‘This is not going to be conventional. I’m going to enjoy this.’ – Julian Barratt
Daron Malakian A lot of MTV’s programming is hip-hop based, and the messages are usually all about bling bling. A lot of hip-hop artists sing about stuff that’s more important, but they seldom get heard. The ones who get heard are the ones saying, ‘Think about yourself. Make your money. It’s all you. Everybody have a good time and party.’ – Daron Malakian
Armaan Malik It’s a dream come true as I await the release of my debut single ‘Krazy Konnection’ with Salim Merchant and then my debut album! – Armaan Malik
Herman Cain I don’t have more money. I won’t have more money than any of the candidates, even the Republican candidates. We know that already. But we are building this campaign team like I would build a business. And that is, we are building it so far with no debt. – Herman Cain
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