Jair Bolsonaro If anyone interferes into the private life of two people, I will defend the right of those two people between their four walls. That is no problem. – Jair Bolsonaro Defend Quotes Interferes Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes Private Quotes Walls Quotes Because women get more labor rights than men, meaning they get maternity leave, the employer prefers to hire men. I would like to have had that experience of combat. I would have liked to.
Jamie Hyneman Science isn’t just for guys in lab coats, you know? It’s for anybody who wants to do a good job of understanding and investigating the world. – Jamie Hyneman
Eugene Lee Yang I know many YouTubers who are these amazing LGBTQ icons for young people, but many of them have not come out publicly, even though they’re well-known online. – Eugene Lee Yang
Rebecca Ferguson I’m not very good at business. I’m more of a creative, fun-loving hippie type. – Rebecca Ferguson
Ananya PandayEaster In our family, and not just us but even with my cousins, uncles and aunts, we celebrate every festival – be it Christmas, Easter, Eid, Diwali or our birthdays. – Ananya Panday
Daniel Tammet I recited Pi to 22,514 decimal points in five hours and nine minutes. I was able to do this because of weeks of study, aided by the unusual synaesthesic way my mind perceives numbers as complex multidimensional coloured and textured shapes. – Daniel Tammet
Craig FergusonWedding The wedding took place in Vermont, where they have legalized gay civil unions, and I married a woman. – Craig Ferguson
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