Rick Santelli If being the lightning rod that started the Tea Party is what’s written on my tombstone, I’ll be very happy. – Rick Santelli Happy Quotes Lightning Quotes Party Quotes Rod Quotes Started Quotes Tea Quotes Tombstone Quotes Written Quotes What about stocks? You got to buy them. What if they break? You have to buy the dips. People ask me if I’m the father of the Tea Party movement… I was the spark… that started it.
Sophia Bush I have pretty thick eyebrows, so I’m really grateful to Brooke Shields, the first time around, and now Cara Delevingne for making that such a thing. For those of us who were born that way, it’s kind of nice. – Sophia Bush
FamilyY S Jaganmohan Reddy I am proud to be the son of YSR, who had left me a very big family. – Y S Jaganmohan Reddy
Alex Lifeson I think that’s given inspiration to other musicians. I know, particularly through the 90s, a lot of bands would cite Rush as an influence. I don’t think it was so much our music, but more the way we really stuck to our guns. – Alex Lifeson
Clive AndersonEnvironmental On the environmental front there’s concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide, and trees take in CO2 and store carbon. – Clive Anderson
Kay Ivey Kay Ivey is just a regular Alabamian born and raised in the country – small rural town, Wilcox County, Camden, Alabama – and we grew up working hard on the farm and we were raised to help folks around you and do for others who need some help. – Kay Ivey
Molly Bloom Being humble got me very far when I went to L.A., because it was in stark contrast to this town of people who were so cutthroat. – Molly Bloom
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