Eric Maskin If budget planning requires gathering information from people who may not always have the incentive to disclose that information, then the principles of mechanism design can definitely be of use in such planning. – Eric Maskin Budget Quotes Design Quotes Disclose Quotes Gathering Quotes Incentive Quotes Mechanism Quotes People Quotes Planning Quotes Principles Quotes Requires Quotes I entered economics because of a course I took on ‘information economics,’ which I found fascinating. Economic forecasting has actually got pretty good over the years, though admittedly, we don’t always get it right.
James Turrell I would describe Los Angeles as actually not having taste. In New York, there’s taste. But you have to remember that taste is censorship. It’s a form of restriction. – James Turrell
David Harbour In this business, certainly it’s a lot crazier for women than it is for men, but there’s such a thing where there’s a lot of judgment on the way you look and on your body. – David Harbour
Charlayne Hunter-Gault If people are informed they will do the right thing. It’s when they are not informed that they become hostages to prejudice. – Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Steven Adams Probably the biggest thing is the private planes. Wow, that thing’s amazing. Got all the food on there, a bunch of drinks. I don’t know, It’s just amazing, never seen nothing like it. Tables, tables on planes, that’s amazing. That was probably the biggest ‘whoa’ for me, like, ‘I made it’. This big private jet, you’re like, ‘Whoa.’ – Steven Adams
Callie Khouri What I’m mainly interested in is not having women characters that have to be perfect, obviously. That’s something I feel strongly about and have that in every single thing I’ve ever done. – Callie Khouri
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