Arlen Specter If enough people would come out the right wing, the extremists couldn’t dominate. – Arlen Specter Dominate Quotes Extremists Quotes People Quotes Wing Quotes Fundraising is very, very time-consuming. Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy’s statement that sometimes party asks too much.
Abhinav Bindra No, I firmly believe in giving my place to another person. We have a lot of talent back home. I don’t want to hang on for just the sake of hanging on. – Abhinav Bindra
Colter Wall One positive Covid test can stop a tour, leave venues short staffed, or even prevent me from crossing the border to get home. – Colter Wall
Carlos Vela Having a family has helped a lot with my partner, my son. It helped me focus on soccer. – Carlos Vela
Jon Porter Tax cuts continue to benefit families, seniors, and small business owners, as evidenced by unparalleled economic growth in Nevada and across the country. – Jon Porter
Douglas HortonHappiness Happiness in the present is only shattered by comparison with the past. – Douglas Horton
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