Barry Ritholtz If I am going to trash others for their dumb predictions, I must at least hold myself to the same sort of accountability. – Barry Ritholtz Accountability Quotes Dumb Quotes Hold Quotes Predictions Quotes Sort Quotes Trash Quotes If you think too-big-to-fail banks are not worthy of investment because of their impossible-to-read balance sheets, well then, don’t buy them. History is replete with examples of tech firms that were marginalized by new companies and technologies.
Bear Bryant No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it’s what his players know that counts. – Bear Bryant
Elsa Hosk I like vintage stores – all over the world. I have a little collection of my favorite stores here and there. Other than that, I love online shopping. – Elsa Hosk
Michael Flatley Anything is possible. I’ve got a few more miles in me. I’m not going to feel sorry for myself. – Michael Flatley
Josh Turner I may never know what type of effect I have on my sons, just like Granny never knew the effect she had on me. So I just try and make the best decisions that I can, be the best father that I can. – Josh Turner
Bella Freud Teenagers are more willing to experiment, and they’ll find a way to wear something if they like it. – Bella Freud
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