Julia Davis If I can laugh with people, it makes me feel safe with them. If I feel someone has no sense of humour, I find it really scary. I do it with the kids as well: put on stupid voices to lighten up the spirit or gee them along to do something. – Julia Davis Feel Quotes Gee Quotes Humour Quotes Kids Quotes Laugh Quotes Lighten Quotes People Quotes Safe Quotes Scary Quotes Sense Quotes Spirit Quotes Stupid Quotes Voices Quotes If I claim I’m the opposite of my characters, then it’ll just sound awful. But I tend to write the sort of things I’d never say because I’m not a very forceful person. I’m quite tactful, actually. I worry about whether people are all right. With my friends, obviously, conversations are quite free and uncensored, but I would never enjoy making someone feel uncomfortable at all.
Rob Gronkowski Before I go to bed, I’ve got to hit my situps and pushups. While I’m watching a TV show, I do pushups. I even watch ‘SpongeBob’ still, so there we go. – Rob Gronkowski
Clarence Thomas There’s a difference between someone who’s ‘harsh’ and someone who is ‘hard.’ Life was hard. You lived in the South, as my grandparents did, and you had to survive. That is hard. In order to respond to that, he had to become a hard man, with very hard rules, very hard discipline for himself, very hard days, hard work, et cetera. – Clarence Thomas
Julie Klausner I’m always suspicious when a guy takes his date on a walk, because it reeks of poverty and an inability to plan. – Julie Klausner
Justin Gaethje I wanted to take the short road to the top, and I think I’m doing that. – Justin Gaethje
Milos Forman I don’t mind getting involved in a risky project as long as I don’t have to stay married to it if the script turns out lousy. – Milos Forman
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