Michael Dell If I come to Aspen for one or two nights, I stay at the St. Regis. – Michael Dell Aspen Quotes Nights Quotes Regis Quotes Stay Quotes Buying a company that is number one in its business is hard to do. When something is for sale, it’s often not a leader. VMWare, as you know, remains a public company, and Secure Works is also a public company. And it’s possible in the future that within the group, we could have other public companies.
Mariska Hargitay When I was in my early 20s, I had my hair permed. Bad idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is, if you have nice hair already, don’t get a perm, leave your hair alone! – Mariska Hargitay
Daniel Pauly I personally like the idea of shellfish aquaculture. These are animals that stay quiet, they stay where you put them, and they clean up the water. – Daniel Pauly
MaryJanice Davidson Being a writer is great, and being a parent is great, and I hate Marching Band. – MaryJanice Davidson
Sean Connery I still pay full tax when I work in England and the same when I work in America. – Sean Connery
Kayvan Novak When I was 18 years old, I had a Saturday job working in a clothing store on London’s Bond Street. I would fold T-shirts for ten hours at a time and get paid £19 for the privilege. – Kayvan Novak
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