Morten Tyldum If I did the structure and had this thing about a straight character, I would never have a sex scene to prove that he’s heterosexual. If I have a gay character in a movie, I need to have a sex scene in it – just to prove that he’s gay? – Morten Tyldum Character Quotes Gay Quotes Heterosexual Quotes Movie Quotes Prove Quotes Scene Quotes Sex Quotes Straight Quotes Structure Quotes I was shocked that I knew so little about Alan Turing. Then I started to read about him, and I got a little obsessed. It’s not every actor that can play a genius.
Callum Smith Any fight I feel pressure, just the same as the last one, the next one will be just as important. – Callum Smith
Maurice Greene The world record will come to me when I run the world record race. I’m just trying to perfect my race. I’m looking for perfection. – Maurice Greene
Pamela Adlon I like people to have their own reaction and their own take on things. And I don’t like to shove my – what I want them to feel or think – down their throats. I like people to say, ‘What was that about?’ or ‘Why did that happen?’ And so, any reactions are welcome. – Pamela Adlon
GodMorningPearl Bailey I never really look for anything. What God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way God turns my feet, I go. – Pearl Bailey
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