Pam Shriver If I had to write a novel, I’d start crying after three lines. – Pam Shriver Crying Quotes Lines Quotes Start Quotes Write Quotes When you’re in the second set and you start thinking I have to win this and get it over, the pressure to finish quickly can get to you. Being a 6-foot-tall tennis player is not great for a girl’s social life.
Constance Baker Motley The middle class, in the white population, encompasses a wide swath. – Constance Baker Motley
Liz CheneyMarriage I am strongly pro-life, and I am not pro-gay marriage. I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states and by the people in the states – not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves. – Liz Cheney
Manila Luzon So my reason for doing drag, at first it was because I wanted to express this thing I had kind of stored deep down inside of me and now that I’ve let this thing loose, this monster out into the world and I kind of got that out of my system now. – Manila Luzon
James Lankford I believe that being conservative means you try to get in to the middle of the fight and try to solve the problem. – James Lankford
Michael TubbsPatience I tell people all the time, the status quo is so untenable to me. Like, literally, I have no patience for it. – Michael Tubbs
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