Jaap Stam If I hadn’t made it as a footballer I would have been an electrician. I studied to be an electrician even though I was progressing at football because you never know at that stage if you are going to be there for sure. – Jaap Stam Electrician Quotes Football Quotes Footballer Quotes Progressing Quotes Stage Quotes Studied Quotes I’ve been with clubs who won the league championships in Holland and England, which was brilliant, and to win the Champions League with Manchester United was an amazing experience. In Holland you go into amateur teams, come up through the ranks and are generally spotted for senior or professional football. At 16, I had made it into a men’s amateur team, and was picked up professionally from there.
Fredrik Bajer We have had such a letter movement on two occasions in Denmark when more than a quarter of the adult Danish population participated. Such an achievement, however, demands a really great effort and also a great deal of money. – Fredrik Bajer
Gerard Way Freddie Mercury, to me, was probably the most important frontman to me growing up. – Gerard Way
Paul A Volcker I am suspicious of the idea of a new paradigm, to use that word, an entirely new structure of the economy. – Paul A Volcker
Bob MarleyGoodPowerTime The devil ain’t got no power over me. The devil come, and me shake hands with the devil. Devil have his part to play. Devil’s a good friend, too… because when you don’t know him, that’s the time he can mosh you down. – Bob Marley
Michael Bennet If we, as individuals, want to keep control of our democracy – rather than have a government paid for by corporate interest checks – then we have to fight back now and make sure our system reflects the belief that people, not corporations, control our democracy. – Michael Bennet
Greg Norman So my game is solid. So that obviously makes me feel confident, that like anybody else in this field, you name them, I feel like I’ve got the ability to win the golf tournament just as much as they have, and that’s the way I’m going to take it. – Greg Norman
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