Shepard Fairey If I spend time conceiving and making a piece of art, and somebody else sees that it has market value and replicates it in order to steal part of my market, then that’s not cool. – Shepard Fairey Art Quotes Conceiving Quotes Cool Quotes Market Quotes Piece Quotes Replicates Quotes Spend Quotes Steal Quotes Time Quotes On the street, people aren’t bashful. They will say if they like something or if they think it sucks. I do think that copyrights and intellectual property are important – it’s important to be able to keep people from making verbatim copies of a particular creation that could somehow hurt the creator.
Shura Sometimes we feel like we’re only interacting with what’s already happening; we don’t actually affect anything – sometimes I feel like that, anyway. – Shura
George Soros Bush’s war in Iraq has done untold damage to the United States. It has impaired our military power and undermined the morale of our armed forces. Our troops were trained to project overwhelming power. They were not trained for occupation duties. – George Soros
Chase ElliottMom I’ve always been into ‘NCIS’ because my mom is a pretty big fan. I don’t watch a lot of TV though. – Chase Elliott
Erwin McManus God has leveraged the human spirit to move in His direction, and all the material we need to bring a person to the realization that they were created by God actually already exists inside that person. – Erwin McManus
Paula Deen I’m so glad I’m not a dentist. How many times does someone say, ‘Oh, Doc, it felt so good when you were drilling my teeth’? Never. But when you give someone a wonderful cookie, you put a little of yourself in, and you see someone’s face light up – that’s immediate approval. – Paula Deen
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