Paul Whitehouse If I stand correctly in the mirror I can frame it so that I still have hair. But the camera doesn’t lie. – Paul Whitehouse Camera Quotes Correctly Quotes Frame Quotes Hair Quotes Lie Quotes Mirror Quotes Stand Quotes It’s funny seeing yourself on screen, not in character. The midges you get in Scotland are evil.
RelationshipSteven Berkoff I have a daughter from a relationship I had in my late teens or early 20s. Because I felt it wasn’t the kind of pukka behaviour my family or relatives would admit to, I denied it for many years. – Steven Berkoff
John C Bogle Regardless of what happens in the markets, stick to your investment program. Changing your strategy at the wrong time can be the single most devastating mistake you can make as an investor. – John C Bogle
Margo Jefferson I was nearing the end of childhood when I started to pay real attention to jazz singers. Women excelled as jazz singers; they surpassed most of the men. Black women excelled as jazz singers; they surpassed most of the whites. – Margo Jefferson
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain I started going training with Southampton, and they were selecting the team for the under-9s. I did a six-week trial and got in. I was quite lucky to play at a good standard from a very young age. – Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Patti Smith What I say should always be prefaced with this: I’m not really politically articulate. I just try to be like Thomas Paine: what is common sense? So when I say these things to you, I am speaking from a humanist point of view. I just look around and see what’s wrong. – Patti Smith
Christine GregoireHealth There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can’t provide health care to all its people. – Christine Gregoire
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