Gary Shteyngart If I still lived in Russia, I’d be dead… or a really effective oligarch. – Gary Shteyngart Dead Quotes Effective Quotes Lived Quotes Oligarch Quotes Russia Quotes I was very, very sick when I was growing up in Russia. The ambulance constantly came to our house. I had horrible asthma that is easily treated in America, but they didn’t even have inhalers back in Russia. That’s what I always liked about science fiction – you can make the world end. Humour is my multiple warhead delivery system.
David Scott I do not support a single-payer system; I do support having something there, whether it’s an option or not. And we can work with that, but we have to have something to leverage so we can get the insurance company to bring down their prices, and the only way to do that is to have an alternative there. – David Scott
Anna Gunn I’m not a gambler, let’s just say that, nor have I ever been a dealer at a casino. – Anna Gunn
David GarrowDreams Dreams from My Father’ was not a memoir or an autobiography; it was instead, in multitudinous ways, without any question a work of historical fiction. – David Garrow
Curt Weldon I would never jeopardize classified information to be brought out to the public. This information is all open source. There is no reason to worry about classification. It is simply an attempt by bureaucrats to cover their rear ends. – Curt Weldon
James A Garfield I mean to make myself a man, and if I succeed in that, I shall succeed in everything else. – James A Garfield
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