Gia Coppola If I’m not comfortable, I just look awkward. – Gia Coppola Awkward Quotes Comfortable Quotes With my aunt, I definitely can relate to how she makes a movie because she does it with her own demeanor, which isn’t this loud presence. Most people think of Las Vegas, and they think of extravagance. But it’s really a mix between fantasy and laziness.
Dakota GoyoMovies I love watching scary movies because you always wonder what happens next, and that’s what’s going to happen on ‘The Haunting Hour:’ you’re always going to want to know what happens next. – Dakota Goyo
Lisa Lutz The Chosen,’ if you recall, was based on the Chaim Potok novel and featured Robbie Benson’s persuasive performance as a Hasidic Jew. – Lisa Lutz
Mara Wilson I think if I could do it over again – as much as I loved meeting the people I did on the films after ‘Matilda’ – I wish that I had stopped after ‘Matilda.’ I wish that I had just focused on my own life for a while. – Mara Wilson
PowerRalph Nader A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. – Ralph Nader
Marcus Aurelius Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish. – Marcus Aurelius
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