Amber Tamblyn If it comes back, I think that Friday night is not a good night to be on. – Amber Tamblyn Friday Quotes Night Quotes This will be the fourth time I’ve seen this film. I’m very proud of it and I think it’s a great movie for women of any age. And almost every single man I’ve talked to has admitted to crying. My father comes from a generation of film that actors my age don’t even know about, which is really sad.
Jay Ryan Coming from New Zealand and Australia is like a tough pre-school for Hollywood. And having been on ‘Neighbours,’ even though the agents I met with hadn’t seen it, they knew it’s where Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce had come from. It was a foot in the door. – Jay Ryan
David Ortiz I’m the kind of a player who, if you give me something good to hit, I’m going to swing at it. Otherwise, there’s nothing else you can do. – David Ortiz
Caterina Fake I joined the board of Etsy when it was just three founders, and I helped recruit the COO and CTO, Chad Dickerson, who later became the CEO. – Caterina Fake
Juan Soto It doesn’t matter if it’s going good or it’s going bad. Just go out there, try to do my best. – Juan Soto
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