Parker Stevenson If it seems like you’re doing work when you’re acting, then you’re doing something wrong. – Parker Stevenson Acting Quotes Wrong Quotes In 1942, everyone was ready to go and fight for the good guys. It was so simple. If I have a Sunday free, I’ll go up the coast and spend some time on the beach. I scuba dive and swim and sail. A lot of the things I like are around the water.
Courtney Hadwin With ‘AGT’ I was allowed more freedom to be myself. It was also quite a different scale. – Courtney Hadwin
Glenn Close With the hugely talented women I’ve worked with or observed, it’s not a question about temperament or ego; it’s a question about getting it right. If they’ve got a reputation for being difficult it’s usually because they just don’t suffer fools. – Glenn Close
John Niven I remembered being young in the late ’70s and early ’80s and growing up at the height of the Cold War. I remembered how scared I was of nuclear weapons, how often I though about them and about the possibility of everything and everyone I knew vanishing in a second in temperatures hotter than the centre of the sun. – John Niven
Donella Meadows Smart development builds on a region’s own skills, resources and local businesses. Dumb growth invites a big corporation in, surrenders control and profits to a distant headquarters, undercuts local manufacturers, and risks layoffs without warning. – Donella Meadows
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