Apolo Ohno If it wasn’t for my sport and my father, I’d probably be a fallen statistic. I’d be dead; I’d be in jail. Luckily, I had a great dad in my life. – Apolo Ohno Dad Quotes Dead Quotes Fallen Quotes Father Quotes Jail Quotes Life Quotes Luckily Quotes Sport Quotes Statistic Quotes It’s just a goatee. That sounds kind of weird. A soul patch? I don’t know how ‘soul’ it is. The woman I’m attracted to won’t be based on what I write down on paper. It’s going to be what I feel.
David Harewood If you’re black and have leukemia, the chances of finding a donor are drastically reduced. I added my name to the register, and lo and behold, six months later, I was asked to donate. I had a week of ‘conditioning’ where I had to take these pills and injections to create new stem cells in my body. – David Harewood
apldeapFriendship Our first conversation went like: ‘So, what do you do in the Philippines for fun?’ ‘Well, I like to rap and breakdance.’ And Will was like, ‘What?? Me too!’ That sparked our friendship and from then on, we were inseparable. – apldeap
Cass Sunstein There are some lawyers who think of themselves as basically instruments of whoever their clients are, and they pride themselves on their professional craft. – Cass Sunstein
Parker Harris Many people have said we just need to add more products. Look at Oracle, look at SAP. Add ERP and inventory or compensation. Add all this stuff. What we realized is we’re the customer company. We’re the front office solution, and our customers would be really upset if we just added a whole bunch of stuff and lost focus. – Parker Harris
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