Johnny Christ If it weren’t for this, I’d probably be working a normal job and playing on the weekends for 10 people at the Irvine Spectrum. – Johnny Christ Irvine Quotes Job Quotes Normal Quotes People Quotes Playing Quotes Spectrum Quotes Weekends Quotes We have the greatest fans in the world, and our growth has been so organic. It’s online; it’s out at the shows. It’s a big family, and they know we’re going to do our best, and we know they’re going to give it their best. It wasn’t until high school that I realized Avenged Sevenfold was picking up locally.
Joey Chestnut It’s pretty rare for me to be someplace that serves hot dogs and not eat one. – Joey Chestnut
Alexandra C Pelosi I was indoctrinated into a Democratic Party cult from a very early age. But I know that’s not the only America and we need to understand the other side. – Alexandra C Pelosi
Aishwarya R Dhanush I was a student of law as my grandmother wanted me to be a lawyer. But my passion has always been movies. – Aishwarya R Dhanush
John KeatsLoveRomantic I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else. – John Keats
Christian Eriksen Of course it’s nice to get recognition, but I’m not looking for it. I just do my thing. If it comes, it comes. But it’s not what you play for. – Christian Eriksen
Sally Rooney I would rather do two things really, really, really well than do 16 things and have 14 of them fail. – Sally Rooney
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