John Calipari If it’s late in the game, then you have your five best free-throw shooters on the court. – John Calipari Court Quotes Freethrow Quotes Game Quotes Late Quotes Shooters Quotes I’ve had transfer students who have never seen the inside of their previous coach’s house. We play for March.
Daniel Cameron In our system, criminal justice isn’t the quest for revenge. It’s the quest for truth, evidence and facts, and the use of that truth as we fairly apply our laws. – Daniel Cameron
Stephen M Walt Israel has a sizeable nuclear arsenal and could retaliate if it were attacked. – Stephen M Walt
Jason Blum When there’s a great horror movie, people are like, ‘Horror’s back!’ And when there’s a series of not so good ones, ‘Horror’s dead.’ I think it’s all about the quality. When there are one or two good horror movies in a row, people come out interested again. – Jason Blum
Jonathan Shapiro I see the cartoonist as contributing to the content, being critical, because we do poke holes in some of the dialogue and find new ways of seeing things. – Jonathan Shapiro
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