Penny Hardaway If I’ve learned anything, it’s that you can’t take anything for granted. – Penny Hardaway Granted Quotes Learned Quotes I can pass on a lot of information. I’m just never going to be the 21-year-old Penny Hardaway again. I can scream and yell that I can still play, but unless I prove it, people will say, ‘Yeah, Penny, whatever.’
Nick Searcy Bullies on the Left, they want to call you names and categorise you and make you respond. They want to make you say, ‘Why are you saying that? I’m not that.’ – Nick Searcy
Shura Some of the best songs are love songs. They’re things that we all go through, and when we’re going through it, we think that we’re the only person in the world going through that. Having that music there sort of reminds you that you’re not alone. It happens to me, too, as a music fan. – Shura
Fatima SiadThankful I went from not knowing anything to becoming really curious and wanting to know and respecting people in the industry, realizing how hard they work. I will always be thankful for ‘Top Model’ for that. – Fatima Siad
Nico Santos Superstore’ is the most amazing work environment ever. Every single person on set is someone you’d call a friend. We have the best crew, as well, and we all hang out even when we’re not working. We push each other to be better, and we bring it out of one another. I have learned and grown so much. – Nico Santos
Caecilius Statius Grant us a brief delay; impulse in everything is but a worthless servant. – Caecilius Statius
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