Masayoshi Son If Japanese cannot have new babies quick enough, then the government should start importing workers faster. – Masayoshi Son Babies Quotes Faster Quotes Government Quotes Importing Quotes Japanese Quotes Quick Quotes Start Quotes Workers Quotes The energy in Silicon Valley is because of the very talented engineers immigrating from around the world, especially Indians and Chinese. They are the best engineers, and Japan doesn’t have enough of them. My original intent for investing into Sprint – the main strategy was to buy Sprint and T-Mobile at the same time, so we’d have a critical mass to fight against AT&T and Verizon. The U.S. government didn’t accept that. They rejected it. So my fundamental strategy was broken.
Herta Muller For me, each journey to Romania is also a journey into another time, in which I never knew which events in my life were coincidence and which were staged. This is why I have, in every public statement I have made, demanded access to the secret files kept on me which, under various pretexts, have invariably been denied me. – Herta Muller
Nicholas Mosley If they tell the police, the police will find out she was driving, and her career will be put into hell. – Nicholas Mosley
Reid Hoffman Over the last 20 years, I’ve worked on or invested in many companies that scaled to 100 million users or more. But here’s the thing: You don’t start with 100 million users. You start with a few. So, stop thinking big, and start thinking small. – Reid Hoffman
David Lammy For even the most seasoned observers of American politics, Barack Obama is a phenomenon. – David Lammy
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