Johnny Carson If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. – Johnny Carson Alive Quotes Dead Quotes Elvis Quotes Fair Quotes Impersonators Quotes Life Quotes The mind starts to do things that you didn’t even realize it could do. I suppose it’s the manipulation. I suppose it’s the sense of power, the center of attention, and the me-ism. And performers have to have that. Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn’t grow up can be vice president.
Cedric Alexander When guys like Mark Henry, Paul Heyman, and Booker T all come up to me and tell me how much they appreciate my work and give me feedback on what to do better and how to improve myself it’s honestly just scary. – Cedric Alexander
Alex Padilla As the Senator from the most populous and most diverse state in the nation – and as the first Latino Senator from California – let me just say: what a great country this is. – Alex Padilla
Jay Inslee There is no excuse for this administration shielding information about Iraq and the fact that we have great difficulties there from the American people. – Jay Inslee
George Santos It is important that I primarily focus on serving the constituents of New York’s Third Congressional District and providing federal level representation without distraction. – George Santos
Joshua Lederberg My ambitions were already very clearly fixed by the time I was 6 or 7. – Joshua Lederberg
Courtney Thorne-Smith I used to be a compulsive exerciser, but I’m over that. – Courtney Thorne-Smith
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