Luke Scott If living by these sets of morals and principles and wanting to help better my land, better my country, my community, my team, my environment and helping the next person help themselves, if that’s considered crazy, then I’m a crazy. – Luke Scott Community Quotes Considered Quotes Country Quotes Crazy Quotes Environment Quotes Helping Quotes Land Quotes Living Quotes Morals Quotes Person Quotes Principles Quotes Sets Quotes Team Quotes There’s a lot of people that fought for their country and that’s not something to be taken lightly. They gave their life, everything they had, they gave their lives, to give us what we have. That’s why I’m so passionate about my beliefs – because someone died. You can see my guns at my apartment. The safe room is a special place… It’s good to have a safe room in your house. It’s storm-proof; we’ve got food, store supplies, all kinds of stuff.
Mavis Staples I don’t know which way I’m going. My next CD might be country, might be Dylan, might be Mick Jagger. I don’t know. I love a challenge. – Mavis Staples
Antoine Griezmann I always demand intensity in training. That’s my style, and I like it. – Antoine Griezmann
Richard Madden I kind of started ‘Game of Thrones’ as a really young actor and not a lot on my CV. – Richard Madden
Britt Ekland Think of your pension and start saving. Like my father, I have been a spendthrift, and I regret that. – Britt Ekland
Sherman Alexie I wanted to do a weird book and reestablish my independent, small-press roots. – Sherman Alexie
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