Jesse Metcalfe If my shirt’s off all the time on national TV, with 20 million people watching, I want to look my best. – Jesse Metcalfe National Quotes People Quotes Shirts Quotes Time Quotes Watching Quotes I start nearly every day with a workout. Fame introduced me to a world of instant gratification and decadence I hadn’t seen before.
Jose Andres Puerto Rico is the perfect meeting place between Spain, the country I come from, and America, the country where I now belong. The meeting point of two worlds where magic can happen. – Jose Andres
David Hornsby I’ve always drawn, for example, and I did consider when I was younger, it was either do I become an actor or do I become an animator cartoonist at that point. Do I work at Disneyworld or something and do animated cells or something? – David Hornsby
Ben Bernanke Textbooks describe economics as the study of the allocation of scarce resources. That definition may be the ‘what,’ but it certainly is not the ‘why.’ – Ben Bernanke
Linda M Godwin In the Astronaut Office we’re never totally out of training, we always keep our hand in it. But after five years, things have changed and so it’s been good to get back into the flow and relearn a lot of things. – Linda M Godwin
James Russell Lowell In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak. – James Russell Lowell
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