Steve Clarke If people are coming in in dribs and drabs, it doesn’t look good. You have to have standards and have rules to adhere to. If you have that then it carries on into the training. – Steve Clarke Adhere Quotes Carries Quotes Coming Quotes Drabs Quotes Dribs Quotes People Quotes Rules Quotes Standards Quotes Training Quotes When I was a player back in the 80s, Rangers didn’t sign Catholic players. There was an enquiry when Graeme Souness took over about me going to Rangers. At the time I was told I couldn’t do that. In my time at Kilmarnock, I’m sorry I didn’t win you a trophy but I stand here in front of three stands of Kilmarnock supporters – that is my trophy.
Richard Parks Bland I make a prediction here and now, and, my friends, I want you to watch the proceedings of Congress in these coming weeks of this extra session, or of the next regular session, to see whether I am right or not. – Richard Parks Bland
Chris LowellRomantic I will always be the hopeless romantic, more often pathetic than heroic. – Chris Lowell
Michael O'Rielly Instead of fostering investment and innovation through deregulation, the FCC will be devoting its resources to adopting new rules without any evidence that consumers are unable to access the content of their choice. – Michael O’Rielly
Rodney Frelinghuysen Seven months after Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey residents and business are continuing the hard work of recovery. – Rodney Frelinghuysen
Norm Coleman Let us never forget that terrorism at its heart, at its evil heart, is a psychological war. It endeavors to break the spirit and the resolve of those it attacks by creating a lose-lose situation. – Norm Coleman
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