Dylan Lauren If people try to cut sugar out completely, they often splurge later. That isn’t a good idea. – Dylan Lauren Completely Quotes Cut Quotes Idea Quotes People Quotes Splurge Quotes Sugar Quotes One day, I’m designing a candy product; the next day, I’m going to a candy factory. The day after that, I might be traveling to Los Angeles to look at a possible location for another store. I can definitely eat more of some candy than I should, so I have found that if I have coffee or a chai latte, it curbs the sugar craving.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Kids are born curious about the world. What adults primarily do in the presence of kids is unwittingly thwart the curiosity of children. – Neil deGrasse Tyson
FaithSeth Shostak Faith is a personal matter, and should never be a cudgel to stifle inquiry. We tried that approach about 1,200 years ago. The experiment was called the Dark Ages. – Seth Shostak
Joe Greene If you’re talking about nuclear physics, I have to defer to the next guy. But if you’re talking about football, I don’t have to take a back seat to anyone. – Joe Greene
Natalie Imbruglia I’m quite confident with the way that I look but you find something else to focus on don’t you if, I mean I, I have body issues that’s my thing so you find something to focus on when you’re a perfectionist, I think. – Natalie Imbruglia
John Tyler Parties are continually changing. The men of today give place to the men of tomorrow, and the idols which one set worship, the next destroy. – John Tyler
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