Richard Painter If President Trump will not remove White House officials who are clearly violating the law, he’s not doing his job and this would be yet another grounds for Congress considering impeaching and removing the president. – Richard Painter Congress Quotes Grounds Quotes House Quotes Impeaching Quotes Job Quotes Law Quotes Officials Quotes President Quotes Remove Quotes Removing Quotes Trump Quotes Violating Quotes White Quotes I have to say that every white-collar criminal defense lawyer knows when the chief financial officer turns state’s evidence, everyone in the executive suite is in a lot of trouble because the chief financial officer knows exactly where the money is coming and going. Donald Trump wants to ignore the rule of law. He ignores the Constitution. He ignores the subpoenas. The Republicans in the House and Senate are afraid to stand up to him, with only a few exceptions.
Hozier The first time I heard Tom Waits, it was like everything just flipped. It was just this fascination with him. My cousin showed me ‘Small Change,’ and I just couldn’t get over that this was a white guy singing. – Hozier
ArchitectureTadao Ando Japanese architecture is traditionally based on wooden structures that need renovating on a regular basis. – Tadao Ando
Phoebe Fox I read somewhere that it’s scientifically proven that kids who read ‘Harry Potter’ grow up to be more well balanced and tolerant when they’re older. – Phoebe Fox
Mr T When I was nine years old, living on the south side of Chicago, my father was a minister and my mother used to scrub floors. I had seven brothers and four sisters. I told my mama, ‘One of these days I’m going to be big and strong and buy you a beautiful house.’ That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do with my life, is to take care of my mother. – Mr T
Alexander Siddig I think if you’re good and you can persuade people you’re going to be able to do that role and ultimately the audience buys it, then it doesn’t matter whether you were really a chimpanzee in disguise! You’ve done it. – Alexander Siddig
Nicholas Winton It gets a bit boring talking about the same thing for a hundred years. – Nicholas Winton
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