Jesse Ball If society is a ship, it appears to many to be firmly at anchor in moral waters. Perhaps this isn’t so. – Jesse Ball Anchor Quotes Appears Quotes Firmly Quotes Moral Quotes Ship Quotes Society Quotes Waters Quotes I love to reread, even more than I like to read, so keeping a hold of books that I adore is very important, although they flee from me – they are always fleeing.
Joshua Malina Scandal’ is certainly different from anything else I’ve been involved with as an actor. – Joshua Malina
Katie Hopkins Scratch below the surface, and you will find I am a patriotic little thing, desperately proud to be part of this island nation. – Katie Hopkins
Patti StangerSmile A man can be drawn across the room with the simplicity of a smile. That’s why your pearly whites should always be straight and shiny. I think most of my clients are drawn to a fun, flirty nature in a woman. The problem is, most women do not often feel fun and flirty. – Patti Stanger
Sloan Wilson The American middle class always wants to be upper class and is scared to death of being lower class. It’s a highly mobile group of people. They’re not like the people that want to be shopkeepers forever, have always been shopkeepers and want always to be shopkeepers. These people mostly are insulted by being called middle class. – Sloan Wilson
Samuel Horsley Despotism is the only form of government which may with safety to itself, neglect the education of its infant poor. – Samuel Horsley
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