Riff Raff If somebody wants to get inside my brain and figure out what I’m chasing, what I’m after think Richard Branson, think Madonna, think Lady Gaga. – Riff Raff Brain Quotes Branson Quotes Chasing Quotes Figure Quotes Gaga Quotes Lady Quotes Madonna Quotes Richard Quotes I drop videos off the cuff… I don’t stop. It’s like this: I’ve had the same mentality since I was five years old.
Lord Mountbatten Never feel that a piece of criticism or advice is too much trouble to give, or that it exceeds your province. – Lord Mountbatten
Payal Kadakia You make sure to set True Norths for your company. You can’t be involved in every decision and every meeting; you have to make sure the mission is very built into the culture, the product, and how you communicate. – Payal Kadakia
Satish Kumar If we remove ourselves from the world, we are pretending that we can follow our own individual enlightenment and let the rest of the world go to hell, so to speak. – Satish Kumar
Marti Noxon You can’t ever create defensively. You just have to create the next thing that really speaks to you. – Marti Noxon
Neil Jordan It’s the opposite journey from what I’ve usually done with films. I find it very easy to go from, say, a lit, pleasurable environment, like what you see outside there, to a very dark place. But the opposite journey, which is what this movie takes, is much more complicated. – Neil Jordan
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