Jason Johnson If the 2020 election comes down to the courts, Joe Biden is going to lose. Full stop. As I pointed out before, Trump has stuffed the courts with a bunch of Ayn Rand loving, William Barr wannabees who simply want to keep him in power. – Jason Johnson Ayn Quotes Barr Quotes Biden Quotes Bunch Quotes Courts Quotes Election Quotes Joe Quotes Lose Quotes Loving Quotes Power Quotes Rand Quotes Simply Quotes Stuffed Quotes Trump Quotes Wannabees Quotes William Quotes What turned white women from the pejorative 53% to the blue wave of 2018? Brett Kavanaugh. Those hearings were so explosive, so horrific and so offensive to so many Americans, especially women, especially white women, that they voted in droves, and gave Democrats a 40-seat majority in the House of Representatives. Google ‘Great White Hope and NBA’ and you’ll see a mayonnaise graveyard of overrated White stars that the NBA and entrenched sportswriters tried to lift up.
Anoushka Shankar Shiraz’ is an important part of our filmmaking and cultural history. – Anoushka Shankar
Julia Gillard Investing in better-quality education outcomes – especially in maths and science – more than pays for itself. – Julia Gillard
DadElvis Costello My family calls me Declan. But most people call me E.C. I think it comes from my dad. It’s an Irish convention. You usually call the first child by the initials. – Elvis Costello
Leandra Medine I don’t necessarily see my not wearing makeup as a social comment or that it’s because I work in a female-dominated industry. – Leandra Medine
Brandi Rhodes When Cody won the Ring of Honor title, I rushed out of my seats, tripped on the steps, and bruised my leg in front of a couple fans. I just didn’t want to miss a moment with him. That is how much I care about my husband, I care so much I get clumsy. – Brandi Rhodes
Ara Parseghian I can’t think of anything that’s hit me harder in my life than when I learned that three of our youngest grandchildren were diagnosed with Niemann-Pick C. – Ara Parseghian
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