Misha Green If the actors aren’t reacting the way people would react, that’s where you step into disbelief. – Misha Green Actors Quotes Disbelief Quotes People Quotes React Quotes Reacting Quotes Step Quotes That’s what the best art does, it starts the conversation. What you may see in a scene or a line isn’t what I might see, but that conversation we have, that’s how we move forward. When I first read ‘Lovecraft Country’ I knew it had the potential to be unlike anything else on television.
Jeanne Moreau Characters who are on screen from start to finish are not necessarily the ones who have the greatest impact. – Jeanne Moreau
Gemma Chan I was given a lot of homework: I had to practise ironing as a synth, practise washing up as a synth, cooking a meal as a synth. It’s definitely the most prep I’ve had to do for a role. – Gemma Chan
Carl LevinHope We have a hope of succeeding if we learn from our past mistakes and pull together to make the hard choices. – Carl Levin
Jane Pauley My guess is that people look at me and project their own values – importance of family, ego is healthy but not the biggest thing. I don’t know. I can’t explain my popularity. – Jane Pauley
Doug Pederson Part of having a great offensive staff is every week we look at different plays around the league and the collegiate ranks, and things that over the years that might fit what we do. – Doug Pederson
Mark Esper Now, ‘high-intensity conflict’ is a fancy word for saying tanks on tanks, aircraft shooting each other out of the sky, a great deal of violence at a level we haven’t seen since probably the Korean War or World War II, where you have big armies facing off against one another. – Mark Esper
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