Satoru Iwata If the first entrant always wins the market, the Dreamcast must have won the race against the PS2, for example. There are many precedents like that in the past. The first to market is not necessarily the winner in the race. – Satoru Iwata Dreamcast Quotes Entrant Quotes Market Quotes Precedents Quotes Race Quotes Winner Quotes Wins Quotes What Nintendo will do is simply try to do our best, believing that our strategy is right. Nintendo is applying the benefits of advanced technology, but we’re using it to make our machines more power-efficient, quieter, and faster to start.
Ricky Skaggs Even with the sun beaming down on me I’m not sweating in my mind. I’m not sweating in my heart or in my career. – Ricky Skaggs
Ben Miller I’d like to have a neck. Everyone else has a neck, but I never got one; I don’t know what happened. I’m not asking for much: just some sort of separation between my head and my body would be great. – Ben Miller
Jeffrey Archer I was allowed to ring the bell for five minutes until everyone was in assembly. It was the beginning of power. – Jeffrey Archer
Freddie Ljungberg Every time I sprinted 100 per cent, my hamstring broke. But I knew if I didn’t sprint 100 per cent, I could keep on playing, so that’s what you do. I was just lucky it was discovered in America and I haven’t had one problem since. I feel I can run past people again and that feels nice. – Freddie Ljungberg
Steve Harris I find it natural to write on the bass, and a lot of people find that really odd. – Steve Harris
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